Blog Post 23 February 21 - 24 This week our classes have been doing different things as Room 8 was at 2School and Room 7 was at school. We have two separate posts below. Important dates are below. Room 7 - Pearson/De Luca Learning Outcomes ELA -identify and develop a plan for gathering information and formulating questions to guide research -write or represent meaning of text in different forms What Did Students Do? -Students selected a historical figure and researched why they are important in Black Canadian History. They then wrote two paragraphs on interesting facts about them and how they influenced Canadian history. Family Connections Ask your child: -Who did you choose to research? -What are some interesting facts about your person? -How did they influence Canadian history? Room 8 - Sampson Learning outcomes: ELA – Experience various texts • experience oral, print and other media texts from a variety of cultural tra...