Blog Post 21
February 6 - 10
This week our classes have been doing different things as Room 7 was at 2School and Room 8 was at school. We have two separate posts below. Important dates are below.
Room 8 - Sampson
Learning Outcomes
Math - Statistics and Probability
-Differentiate Between First and Second Hand Data
-Construct & Interpret Double Bar Graphs To Draw Conclusions
What Did Students Do?
-Students worked in groups to create a survey question in order to collect first hand data. They made a data collection chart on large chart paper and surveyed students to collect their data. They used tally marks to record the data they collected. Students then transferred information into their own individual charts in their math books and used their first hand data to create double bar graphs. Their graphs included titles, labels, y axis, x axis, key, numbers, and information collected.
Family Connections
Ask your child:
-What was your survey question?
-Who did you survey?
-What were your survey results?
-What is the difference between first and second hand data?
Room 7
Learning outcomes:
– Experience various texts
• experience oral, print and other media texts from a variety of cultural traditions and genres, such as historical fiction, myths, biographies, poetry, news reports and guest speakers
• Express points of view about oral, print and other media texts
Social Studies
- Students will demonstrate an understanding of the events and factors that have changed the ways of life in Canada over time and appreciate the impact of these changes on citizenship and identity.
What Did Students Do?:
What an incredible week for Room 7. Our 2School experience provide so many different learning opportunities this week. Students engaged in storytelling, sketching, site visits, and speaking engagements with a wide variety of people and places. It is hard to capture all they experienced and learned over the course of the week and so many new learnings well beyond anything in our curriculum.
We were examining the question, “How do we create welcoming and inclusive communities?” We examined this from multiple perspectives. We focused a great deal on comparisons between Lake Bonavista and The Beltline communities. These two communities provided great contrast to one another and created opportunities for rich discussion and questioning.
Students wrote frequently from different perspectives and different points of view on topics ranging from park space, to public art, to architecture. Many are becoming very proficient at looking at various issues from different perspectives.
Just as a quick synopsis, here are the various people and places we took in:
• Historical classroom at the Education Centre
• Future of learning lab at the Education Centre
• Skyline viewing from the 8th floor of the Education Centre
• The CBE Welcome Centre for Newcomers • Guest speaker from The Mustard Seed
• Q and A with Chief Usih of the CBE
• Learning Commons at the Education Centre
• Multiple community walks examining architecture of the Beltline
• High Park
• Thomson Family Park
• Guest speaker from the CBE Welcome Centre
• Public art – in particular, murals from the BUMP project
• Rode the C-Train!
• Devonian Gardens
• Q and A with Trustee May
• CBE Board of Trustees meeting room
• Indigenous plant life and medicines
• Central Library of the Calgary Public Library
• City Hall
And of course, Mrs. Montgomery who was our guide, teacher and host throughout the week. She is an incredible person with such great knowledge to share with students.
We will continue to build upon this work in the weeks ahead and we will share some photos of the students’ work from their visual journals. For now, here is a small snapshot from the week to give you a sense of the various experiences they had.
Finally, we are pleased to introduce Mr. Paul Pearson who will be leading the class starting Monday. Mr. Pearson was able to join us for three days of this incredible experience. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to join your children on this off-campus experience.
-Mr. Newman
Coming Up
February 13th, February 21-24 - 2School for Mrs. Sampson's Class
February 13th - Assembly hosted by Grade 2 & Monday/Wednesday Kindergarten
February 14th - Valentine's Day
February 15th - Grade 5's can purchase bake sale items & candy grams ($1 per item- max 2 items)
February 16 & 17 - Teacher's Convention - No school for students
February 20 - Family Day - No school for students
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