Blog Post 3
September 12th - 16th
We had another great week in grade five. It was our first full week and went by so quickly!
Learning Outcomes
English Language Arts:
Create Original Text
Generate ideas to use texts from listening, reading, and viewing experiences as models for producing own oral, print, and other media texts
What Did Students Do?
The grade five students are organizing and putting on the Terry Fox Run. To do this, they have done a great deal of research about Terry Fox and the "why" behind the run. Students have read books, listened to stories, and watched videos to learn about Terry Fox. With that information, they have taken notes, shared school wide announcements, and created posters. We discussed different ways to share information and students identified talking, signing, writing, pictures, and more as ways to do this. They determined that when sharing information, it needs to be clear and interesting. They then created a target to ensure their posters were sharing information effectively. They used this target to give and receive feedback to make their posters the best they can be to share around the school.
Family Connections
Ask your child
-when sharing information, what is important?
-how did we make our posters engaging?
-what are two interesting facts about Terry Fox?
-why is the Terry Fox Run still going on and why is it so important?
Learning Outcomes
Develop number sense: Represent and describe whole numbers to 1 000 000
What Did Students Do?
Students were given a variety of manipulatives. In groups, they worked on making numbers to the millionth place value any way they could. They represented numbers through pictures, words, expanded form, graphs, artistic forms, and more! Then they chose a few strategies to record in their math journals.
Family Connections
Ask your child
-to explain at least two different ways they represented their number and why
-what worked well for this task?
-what was one way a group member represented a number that they hadn't thought of?
-how may digits are in 1 000 000?
Students will be creating their vision boards this week. Please help your child to gather/create artifacts that they would like on their boards. Items include things like cards, stickers, pieces of nature, photos, etc.
The Terry Fox Run will be on Thursday, September 22nd from 1:00 - 2:00 pm. The grade fives are putting on this event and are very excited. If you would like to volunteer (and have your clearance) please notify us.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are on Thursday, September 22nd from 3:30 -7:00 pm and Friday, September 23rd from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm. These are a great opportunity for us to get to know your child better! Thank you to everyone who has already booked. If you have not yet had a chance, please do so. We look forward to seeing you then!
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