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Showing posts from September, 2022
Blog Post 5 September 26th - 29th Learning Outcomes Social Studies: -explore local and current affairs -appreciate how the land sustains communities and the diverse ways that people have of living with the land What Did Students Do? With this week being Truth and Reconciliation Week, we focused a lot on the following topics: -the meaning of a treaty -what a land acknowledgement is  -why a land acknowledgement is important After sharing their prior understanding of these topics, we read stories and had great class discussions. Then students refined their understanding. We then talked about how "a land acknowledgement without action is just a statement." Students determined that in order for a land acknowledgement to be meaningful, we need to: -"do something!" -"make it a focus" -"start small and grow (don't do nothing)" -"do what you say you're going to do" -"remember that actions speak louder than words" Then we read t...
Blog Post 4 September 19 - 22 We had an amazing week in grade five.  Our Terry Fox run was a great success! Learning Outcome: Use talk, notes, personal writing, and representing to summarize relationships among own ideas and those found in texts. What did students do?: The grade five students have been reading books, watching videos, and taking part in discussions about Terry Fox over the past few weeks.  They have created visual journal pages and posters recording and sharing the information they have gathered.  Students then used their research to write paragraphs about Terry Fox.  We used the hamburger graphic organizer to discuss how to write a paragraph.  They then used their facts to write their sentences and paragraphs.  Family Connections: Ask your child:  - What are the parts of a paragraph? - What facts about Terry Fox are you sharing in your paragraph? Learning Outcome: Add and subtract within 1 000 000 What Did Students Do?: Students collec...
Blog Post 3 September 12th - 16th We had another great week in grade five. It was our first full week and went by so quickly! Learning Outcomes English Language Arts: Create Original Text Generate ideas to use texts from listening, reading, and viewing experiences as models for producing own oral, print, and other media texts What Did Students Do? The grade five students are organizing and putting on the Terry Fox Run. To do this, they have done a great deal of research about Terry Fox and the "why" behind the run. Students have read books, listened to stories, and watched videos to learn about Terry Fox. With that information, they have taken notes, shared school wide announcements, and created posters. We discussed different ways to share information and students identified talking, signing, writing, pictures, and more as ways to do this. They determined that when sharing information, it needs to be clear and interesting. They then created a target to ensure their posters w...
Blog Post 2 September 1st - September 9th In grade five, we have had a great start to the year! We have focused on building positive relationships and community.  Learning Outcomes: Students acknowledge and connect perspectives of self and others through communication and listening skills. What Did Students Do? To demonstrate that each one of us is unique and has something significant to contribute to our group, we did a task with sand. Students poured a small cup of coloured sand into a glass vase while sharing one important quality about themselves that will make our classroom a great community. We discussed how this sand represents our beautiful and unique selves joined together as a whole. We also recognized how we have lasting impacts on one another. Then, they represented these ideas in their visual journals.  Family Connections: Ask your child -what quality they shared with their class. -what colour sand they used and why. -what qualities we decided are important in our...