Blog Post 38 June 19 - 23 Learning Outcomes Math - Identify and describe a single transformation of a 2D shape including a rotation, translation, and reflection -Perform a single transformation of a 2D shape and draw the image What Did Students Do? Students learned about, and created a visual journal page on transformations, including translations, rotations, and reflections. Using shapes, rulers, graph paper, and Miras, they drew their own 2D shapes for each of these. They are now able to identify and perform flips, slides, and turns. Ask Your Child: -What are the three transformations? -To show you a translation (slide), reflection (flip) and a rotation (turn). -What is symmetry? Coming Up: Last Day of School - June 29th
Blog Post 37 June 12-16 Learning Outcomes Math Topic: Shape and Space Outcomes: demonstrate an understanding of volume demonstrate an understanding of capacity What Did Students Do? This week, students participated in a hands on activity to learn about volume and capacity. Students had the opportunity to estimate how many millilitres (mL) or litres (L) a container held. They used referents to help them estimate each container's capacity, such as 250mL/1 cup or the visual of a 2L milk carton. With the support of the teacher, students then filled each container with water to determine what the capacity was and compare it to their estimate. The second activity students completed was to estimate the volume of various boxes. Students learned how to calculate volume and reviewed how to multiply multiple numbers. Students used referents to help with their estimation, such as using a pinkie finger to represent a centimetre. After ...