Blog Post 34
May 23-26
Learning Outcomes
Describe the properties and interactions of various household liquids and solids, and interpret their interactions.
Design and carry out an investigation, using procedures that provide a fair test of the question being investigated
What Did Students Do?
This week, students participated in a science experiment. The question that they were trying to answer was "what liquid will turn a Lifesaver candy into a solution the quickest?"
Students used three household liquids; vinegar, water, and vegetable water to determine the answer to the problem. Each student predicted what they thought would happen and wrote a hypothesis. Throughout the experiment, students took observations based on their senses, specifically, what they saw, heard, and smelt as well as creating a diagram with detailed labels.
Ask Your Child:
- What was your hypothesis?
- What was the results of the experiment?
- Was your hypothesis correct?
- Why do you think that liquid turned the lifesaver into a solution the quickest?
- Why do you think the oil did not have an impact on the lifesaver?
Coming Up
Professional Learning Day for staff/no school for students – May 29th
Volunteer Tea – June 2nd (10:00 – Invite & RSVP required)
Fun Snack – June 2nd
Patrol Picnic at Heritage Park - June 7th
Professional Learning Day for staff/no school for students – June 9th
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