Blog Post 36
June 5-9
Learning Outcomes
Science - Classroom Chemistry
Describe the properties and interactions of various household liquids and solids, and interpret their interactions
What Did Students Do?
Students participated in a variety of scientific experiments. They explored surface tension through putting drops of water and other liquids on a penny and by floating paperclips on water.
Students then had an opportunity to mix and layer different liquids such as food colouring, oil, and water.
Through these experiments they made hypothesis, observations, and conclusions. Students were very engaged in the learning process.
Ask Your Child:
What is surface tension?
How many drops did your penny hold?
What happens when you mix oil, food colouring, and water?
Did your paperclips float? What happened when dish soap was added?
Coming Up
June 16 - Sports Day/Pancake Breakfast
June 21 - National Indigenous People's Day
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