Blog Post 19
January 23 - 27
Learning Outcomes
English Language Arts
-Describe character's actions and words and retell stories from their point of view.What Did Students Do?
We read the book Voices in the Park by Anthony Browne together. Students got together in small groups and discussed similarities and differences between the characters experiences in the park. They looked at how the same story was seen in four different ways depending on the character's point of view. Some students took on the roles of each character, sharing the story from their point of view. Students then filled in a chart sharing the point of view of each character. During our next activity, students looked at a picture of a snow day and, in groups, created a short skit as a character waking up on a Saturday morning to a snowy day. They had to take on the point of view of either a child who loves the snow, a mom needing to go to a meeting across town, a dad who had to shovel the snow, a sibling who was going skiing in a few days, or an uncle who was a police office.
Family Connections
Ask your child:
-What was the story, Voices In The Park about?
-Who were the four characters in the story?
-What was the story from each of their points of view?
Coming Up
-Feb. 3 - PD Day - No school for students
-Feb. 8 - School Council Meeting 7:00 p.m.
-Feb. 6-10 - 2School for Ms. DeLuca's Class
-Feb. 13, 21-24 - 2School for Mrs. Sampson's Class
-Feb. 16, 17 - Teacher's Convention
-Feb. 20 - Family Day Holiday - No School
-Feb. 22 - Pink Shirt Day
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